Co–operation across the UK and Ireland
Cooperating to promote and protect teacher professionalism across these islands.
On April 16 2019, GTCNI hosted the biannual meeting of colleagues from the Education Workforce Council (Wales), the Teacher Regulation Agency (England) and the Teaching Council Ireland. These meetings bring together the staff leading on professional regulation and ‘fitness to teach’ in each jurisdiction and enable the sharing of best regulatory practice and also improve the communications between the respective organisations.
Key issues at the 16 April meeting, hosted in Belfast, included recent regulatory case law, planning for Brexit and information sharing protocols in the context of GDPR.
These are important opportunities to share best practice and get valuable insights into the emerging trends and legal processes relevant to professional regulation. Effective regulation is an essential part of our role in protecting the profession and enhancing the professional status of teachers in Northern Ireland. Collaboration, at this level, allows us to protect the reputation of the profession, as well as those we seek to serve; our children and young people. In doing so, we act in the professions and wider public interest.
Regulatory processes and case law are continuously evolving and it is incumbent on bodies that have the responsibility to regulate the teaching profession to keep abreast of ongoing developments.
GTCNI’s Senior Education Officer