Teaching: The Reflective Profession sets out the Council understanding of nature of teaching and the competences that underpin it.
The concept and sense of professional identity central to GTCNI’s approach – and to the exercise of professional autonomy. However, this is not a fixed idea and it will always be subject to adaptation, modification and growth. Regardless of changing ideas about professional practice, an ethical and value–based approach to teacher professionalism and professional identity is fundamental to GTCNI’s approach.
Teachers come to their responsibilities and discharge them by because of the trust placed in them by parents and by society.
This trust, and the professional autonomy associated with it, is predicated upon an understanding that teachers are committed to excellence and that they will promote the health and well–being of those in their care.
It is essential that the professional conduct and practice of teachers reflects this trust and that teachers are competent as well as being committed to lifelong learning, as a means by which they can share and renew their professional knowledge and sense of mission.
Download Teaching: The Reflective Profession which includes the competence statements and phase exemplars and the Code of Values and Professional Practice that is integral to our philosophy and understanding of teacher competences. It is suitable for teachers throughout their careers.

Download The Reflective Profession
Each competence statement includes the phase exemplars relevant to each phase of teacher education, including:
Initial Teacher Education;
Early Professional Development; and
Continuing Professional Development, Collaborative Practice and School Improvement.
The teaching competences and our work on leadership competences should help provide a framework to reflect of your strengths and weaknesses and how, particularly by working with colleagues within a professional community, you can enhance your teaching and the impact it is having in the classroom.