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What is the GTCNI?

The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) is a statutory, self–regulatory professional body, established by the Education (NI) Order 1998. GTCNI is dedicated to enhancing the status of teaching and promoting the highest standards of professional conduct and practice. It will work in partnership to develop and sustain a broad “professional community” characterised by a culture of respect, integrity, cooperation and dialogue.GTCNI’s core objectives are:To build a broad “professional community” and enhance the status of teaching as a profession.

To provide an independent and authoritative voice for the profession on matters pertaining to teaching.
To promote and maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and practice in collaboration with key partners.

How do I check if I am registered or not?

If you have any doubts about whether you are registered or not, please use the ‘Search the Register of Teachers’ facility at the following page: GTCNI

Alternatively, you may contact GTCNI’s Registration Team (email: registration@gtcni.org.uk, telephone: 028 9033 3390).

Who needs to register?

If you wish to be employed as a teacher in a grant–aided school, or work as a peripatetic teacher in Northern Ireland, you must be registered with GTCNI.

The Education (NI) Order 1998 (amended) NI Order 2003, section 35 (3) states that; “An employing authority shall not employ a person as a teacher unless he is registered under this Article”.

If a teacher is in a contract of employment (whether paid or unpaid), or has taught during the registration year (even if only for 1 day) they must pay their registration fee. This applies to teachers on a career break, maternity or sick leave.

How do I apply to register?

Application forms can be accessed on the GTCNI website.

If you have previously been registered, you do not need to submit a new application form. However, you will need to pay the registration fee to reactivate your registration.

What information will I need to give you when I contact you?

To simply check whether you are registered or not ,you will need to tell us your full name, date of birth and one of the following:

National Insurance Number, or
Teacher Reference (TR) Number

I am moving house – do I need to let you know?

Yes, please keep us informed of changes to your details. Changes can be made by logging onto MyGTCNI at GTCNI Online.

I am leaving the profession/taking a sabbatical – do I need to register?

If you are leaving the profession or taking a break from teaching, please keep us informed. The Education (NI) Order 1998 (amended) NI 0rder 2003, section 35 (3) states that; “An employing authority shall not employ a person as a teacher unless he is registered under this Article”.

If a teacher is in a contract of employment (whether paid or unpaid), or has taught during the registration year (even if only for 1 day) they must pay their registration fee. This applies to teachers on a career break, maternity or sick leave.

I am a substitute/supply teacher, do I need to register?

All teachers, working in grant–aided schools need to register with the GTCNI, even if you only work on a substitute / supply basis.

Should you wish to be employed as a substitute teacher you must also be registered with the Northern Ireland Supply Teachers Register (NISTR), a free register which is maintained and operated by the Education Authority. Criminal records checks carried out by NISTR can take a minimum of 8 weeks so therefore it is advisable that you apply to register with them as early as possible. 

You can register with NISTR by visiting their website: Northern Ireland Supply Teacher Register (NISTR) or by contacting them on Tel 028 9056 6256. Please note that registration with GTCNI is required in order to join NISTR.

Do I need to maintain registration if I retire from teaching?

If you are retiring and not undertaking any work (including supply), taking a career break or no longer require registration and wish to cancel your registration, you should email the Registration Team: registration@gtcni.org.uk.

Once we have received your request in writing, your record will be updated and a letter of confirmation will be sent to you. As it is a legal requirement for teachers to be on the register regardless of how many days they work in any registration year, your details will remain on the register until the end of the current registration year i.e. 31 March.

It is not possible to refund all or part of an annual registration fee.

If you are retired but still undertaking some supply teaching, you must maintain your registration and pay your annual registration fee.

Is there a reduced fee for part–time teachers, teachers on maternity leave or supply teachers?

If you have taught or will be teaching during any part of the registration year, you are required to pay the full annual registration fee. GTCNI has considered the subject of scaled or part–year fees, but has decided that this option is not viable because of the high administrative costs it presents, and the need to keep the fee as low as possible.

I have only just qualified. Do I still need to pay the registration fee?

Yes, all teachers irrespective of when they qualified are required to pay the registration fee; if they will be teaching during the period 1 April to 31 March of the current registration year.

What is regulation?

The vast majority of teachers are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. If a registered teacher’s conduct falls short of these standards, GTCNI will investigate and, if necessary, remove them from the Register. This is regulation.

The public have come to expect that all professionals are registered and value the reassurance that regulation brings. Professional self–regulation is hard won, and should be valued by the profession, by their representatives, and by those who employ teachers.

How does Regulation work?

There are four main stages involved in regulation:Referral where an allegation, complaint or referral is received by GTCNI.Screening to establish if the referral falls within our statutory remit and if any relevant employer processes have been completed.Investigation where an Investigating Committee, drawn from the membership of our Regulatory Panel, will look at the available evidence and a written response from the teacher concerned and decide if a teacher has a case to answer.A Conduct hearing where a Conduct Committee, drawn from the membership of our Regulatory Panel, will hear all of the facts relating to the case and make a decision about the allegation and whether a teacher should be removed from the Register. The teacher concerned has a right to make representations.If an allegation of misconduct is proven or a teacher is convicted of a relevant criminal offence, and a Conduct Committee finds that the behaviour is fundamentally incompatible with being a teacher, the only sanction available to GTCNI is removal from the Register.

What power does GTCNI have to regulate?

GTCNI was established by the Education (NI) Order 1998 to provide a range of functions including maintaining a Register of teachers, regulating the teaching profession and providing advice to DE and employers about important professional issues including registration and professional standards.

The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (Registration of Teachers) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 gives GTCNI the power to remove a teacher from the Register on the grounds of misconduct. This legislation also means individual teachers can make representations to GTCNI and that any teacher, who has been removed from the Register, has the right of appeal to the High Court.

How do I make a complaint about a registered teacher?

In the first instance, you should contact the school principal of the teacher in question and use the school’s complaints policy.

If you require further guidance you can also contact the employing authority, e.g. a school governing body, CCMS or Education Authority.

If you believe the matter is a child welfare/protection issue you can go directly to the PSNI or social services.

What rights does a teacher have?

GTCNI will carry out an initial screening assessment to ensure that any complaint or allegation falls within our statutory remit and will only consider an allegation that relates to misconduct or conviction of a relevant criminal offence.

We will ensure that any teacher about whom an allegation has been made is fully informed at every step of the process.

A teacher has the right to provide written information to the Investigating Committee and to make a representation at a Conduct Committee hearing, which may include trade union or legal representation.

A decision made by a Conduct Committee to remove a teacher from the Register can be appealed to the High Court within 28 days from the date on which the decision is made.

Who sits on GTCNI’s Regulatory Panel?

Investigation or Conduct Committees will consist of three to five people, drawn from our Regulatory Panel, and must include at least one lay member and one registered member.

The Regulatory Panel is independent and includes both registered teachers (registered members) and non–teachers (lay members) who have demonstrated high levels of appropriate skills and knowledge and the integrity and experience required to make impartial and unbiased decisions. This is a voluntary role.

All panel members receive training and support to ensure GTCNI can deliver its statutory remit in the interests of both the public and the teaching profession.

What is the difference between the role of an employer and GTCNI?

The employer (or employing authority) will be a school Board of Governors or body such as the Education Authority or CCMS. They are required to deal with any allegation of misconduct using the agreed disciplinary process as set out in the ‘Disciplinary Procedure for Teachers including Principals and Vice–Principals in Grant–Aided Schools with fully delegated Budgets’ (TNC 2016/2).

The employer also has a duty to notify GTCNI about any teacher who is dismissed, or resigns prior to dismissal, on the grounds of misconduct; and to provide GTCNI with the information it needs to carry out an investigation or any subsequent conduct hearing.

GTCNI has a duty to ensure that a registered teacher is suitable to be a member of the teaching profession in Northern Ireland. GTCNI also has a responsibility to investigate referrals and to remove a teacher from the GTCNI Register if misconduct is proven at a conduct hearing.

Who is responsible for the regulation of supply teachers?

GTCNI is responsible for the regulation of all teachers in Northern Ireland that fall within its statutory remit, this includes supply teachers.It is the responsibility of the employer to deal with any allegation of misconduct using the agreed disciplinary process as set out in the ‘Disciplinary Procedure for Teachers including Principals and Vice–Principals in Grant–Aided Schools with fully delegated Budgets’ (TNC 2016/2). This includes supply teachers.

What is regulation?

The vast majority of teachers are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. If a registered teacher’s conduct falls short of these standards, GTCNI will investigate and, if necessary, remove them from the Register. This is regulation.

The public have come to expect that all professionals are registered and value the reassurance that regulation brings. Professional self–regulation is hard won, and should be valued by the profession, by their representatives, and by those who employ teachers.

How does Regulation work?

There are four main stages involved in regulation:Referral where an allegation, complaint or referral is received by GTCNI.Screening to establish if the referral falls within our statutory remit and if any relevant employer processes have been completed.Investigation where an Investigating Committee, drawn from the membership of our Regulatory Panel, will look at the available evidence and a written response from the teacher concerned and decide if a teacher has a case to answer.A Conduct hearing where a Conduct Committee, drawn from the membership of our Regulatory Panel, will hear all of the facts relating to the case and make a decision about the allegation and whether a teacher should be removed from the Register. The teacher concerned has a right to make representations.If an allegation of misconduct is proven or a teacher is convicted of a relevant criminal offence, and a Conduct Committee finds that the behaviour is fundamentally incompatible with being a teacher, the only sanction available to GTCNI is removal from the Register.

What power does GTCNI have to regulate?

GTCNI was established by the Education (NI) Order 1998 to provide a range of functions including maintaining a Register of teachers, regulating the teaching profession and providing advice to DE and employers about important professional issues including registration and professional standards.

The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (Registration of Teachers) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 gives GTCNI the power to remove a teacher from the Register on the grounds of misconduct. This legislation also means individual teachers can make representations to GTCNI and that any teacher, who has been removed from the Register, has the right of appeal to the High Court.

How do I make a complaint about a registered teacher?

In the first instance, you should contact the school principal of the teacher in question and use the school’s complaints policy.

If you require further guidance you can also contact the employing authority, e.g. a school governing body, CCMS or Education Authority.

If you believe the matter is a child welfare/protection issue you can go directly to the PSNI or social services.

What rights does a teacher have?

GTCNI will carry out an initial screening assessment to ensure that any complaint or allegation falls within our statutory remit and will only consider an allegation that relates to misconduct or conviction of a relevant criminal offence.

We will ensure that any teacher about whom an allegation has been made is fully informed at every step of the process.

A teacher has the right to provide written information to the Investigating Committee and to make a representation at a Conduct Committee hearing, which may include trade union or legal representation.

A decision made by a Conduct Committee to remove a teacher from the Register can be appealed to the High Court within 28 days from the date on which the decision is made.

Who sits on GTCNI’s Regulatory Panel?

Investigation or Conduct Committees will consist of three to five people, drawn from our Regulatory Panel, and must include at least one lay member and one registered member.

The Regulatory Panel is independent and includes both registered teachers (registered members) and non–teachers (lay members) who have demonstrated high levels of appropriate skills and knowledge and the integrity and experience required to make impartial and unbiased decisions. This is a voluntary role.

All panel members receive training and support to ensure GTCNI can deliver its statutory remit in the interests of both the public and the teaching profession.

What is the difference between the role of an employer and GTCNI?

The employer (or employing authority) will be a school Board of Governors or body such as the Education Authority or CCMS. They are required to deal with any allegation of misconduct using the agreed disciplinary process as set out in the ‘Disciplinary Procedure for Teachers including Principals and Vice–Principals in Grant–Aided Schools with fully delegated Budgets’ (TNC 2016/2).

The employer also has a duty to notify GTCNI about any teacher who is dismissed, or resigns prior to dismissal, on the grounds of misconduct; and to provide GTCNI with the information it needs to carry out an investigation or any subsequent conduct hearing.

GTCNI has a duty to ensure that a registered teacher is suitable to be a member of the teaching profession in Northern Ireland. GTCNI also has a responsibility to investigate referrals and to remove a teacher from the GTCNI Register if misconduct is proven at a conduct hearing.

Who is responsible for the regulation of supply teachers?

GTCNI is responsible for the regulation of all teachers in Northern Ireland that fall within its statutory remit, this includes supply teachers.It is the responsibility of the employer to deal with any allegation of misconduct using the agreed disciplinary process as set out in the ‘Disciplinary Procedure for Teachers including Principals and Vice–Principals in Grant–Aided Schools with fully delegated Budgets’ (TNC 2016/2). This includes supply teachers.

What is the GTCNI?

The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) is a statutory, self–regulatory professional body, established by the Education (NI) Order 1998. GTCNI is dedicated to enhancing the status of teaching and promoting the highest standards of professional conduct and practice. It will work in partnership to develop and sustain a broad “professional community” characterised by a culture of respect, integrity, cooperation and dialogue.GTCNI’s core objectives are:To build a broad “professional community” and enhance the status of teaching as a profession.

To provide an independent and authoritative voice for the profession on matters pertaining to teaching.
To promote and maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and practice in collaboration with key partners.

How do I check if I am registered or not?

If you have any doubts about whether you are registered or not, please use the ‘Search the Register of Teachers’ facility at the following page: GTCNI

Alternatively, you may contact GTCNI’s Registration Team (email: registration@gtcni.org.uk, telephone: 028 9033 3390).

Who needs to register?

If you wish to be employed as a teacher in a grant–aided school, or work as a peripatetic teacher in Northern Ireland, you must be registered with GTCNI.

The Education (NI) Order 1998 (amended) NI Order 2003, section 35 (3) states that; “An employing authority shall not employ a person as a teacher unless he is registered under this Article”.

If a teacher is in a contract of employment (whether paid or unpaid), or has taught during the registration year (even if only for 1 day) they must pay their registration fee. This applies to teachers on a career break, maternity or sick leave.

How do I apply to register?

Application forms can be accessed on the GTCNI website.

If you have previously been registered, you do not need to submit a new application form. However, you will need to pay the registration fee to reactivate your registration.

What information will I need to give you when I contact you?

To simply check whether you are registered or not ,you will need to tell us your full name, date of birth and one of the following:

National Insurance Number, or
Teacher Reference (TR) Number

I am moving house – do I need to let you know?

Yes, please keep us informed of changes to your details. Changes can be made by logging onto MyGTCNI at GTCNI Online.

I am leaving the profession/taking a sabbatical – do I need to register?

If you are leaving the profession or taking a break from teaching, please keep us informed. The Education (NI) Order 1998 (amended) NI 0rder 2003, section 35 (3) states that; “An employing authority shall not employ a person as a teacher unless he is registered under this Article”.

If a teacher is in a contract of employment (whether paid or unpaid), or has taught during the registration year (even if only for 1 day) they must pay their registration fee. This applies to teachers on a career break, maternity or sick leave.

I am a substitute/supply teacher, do I need to register?

All teachers, working in grant–aided schools need to register with the GTCNI, even if you only work on a substitute / supply basis.

Should you wish to be employed as a substitute teacher you must also be registered with the Northern Ireland Supply Teachers Register (NISTR), a free register which is maintained and operated by the Education Authority. Criminal records checks carried out by NISTR can take a minimum of 8 weeks so therefore it is advisable that you apply to register with them as early as possible. 

You can register with NISTR by visiting their website: Northern Ireland Supply Teacher Register (NISTR) or by contacting them on Tel 028 9056 6256. Please note that registration with GTCNI is required in order to join NISTR.

Do I need to maintain registration if I retire from teaching?

If you are retiring and not undertaking any work (including supply), taking a career break or no longer require registration and wish to cancel your registration, you should email the Registration Team: registration@gtcni.org.uk.

Once we have received your request in writing, your record will be updated and a letter of confirmation will be sent to you. As it is a legal requirement for teachers to be on the register regardless of how many days they work in any registration year, your details will remain on the register until the end of the current registration year i.e. 31 March.

It is not possible to refund all or part of an annual registration fee.

If you are retired but still undertaking some supply teaching, you must maintain your registration and pay your annual registration fee.

Is there a reduced fee for part–time teachers, teachers on maternity leave or supply teachers?

If you have taught or will be teaching during any part of the registration year, you are required to pay the full annual registration fee. GTCNI has considered the subject of scaled or part–year fees, but has decided that this option is not viable because of the high administrative costs it presents, and the need to keep the fee as low as possible.

I have only just qualified. Do I still need to pay the registration fee?

Yes, all teachers irrespective of when they qualified are required to pay the registration fee; if they will be teaching during the period 1 April to 31 March of the current registration year.

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